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November 9, 2009

New Thing #98: Migraine Massage

I got a massage today that was supposed to take away my migraines. It's the Monday of my placebo pills, so I think the timing should be about right. I haven't felt anything yet, and I'm hoping the good karma continues. Here's the definition of the treatment per Massage On the Go.

Myofascial release is the three-dimensional application of sustained pressure and movement into the fascial system in order to eliminate fascial restrictions. This technique is an effective approach in the relief of cervical pain, back pain, fibromyalgia, scoliosis, chronic pain and headaches.

Right now, my entire body feels sore from the massage but surprisingly it improved my vision and made me feel much better. The therapist could even tell what side I was ovulating on because I was so much more tender on that one (my right side).

On Tuesday, even after I worked a full day at work, drank caffeine (bad girl), ate chocolate (double bad girl) I still felt the migraine as a slumbering beast. It was there, but so easy to dismiss and overlook. I was sooo very thankful!

It was fantastic! I am hoping to incorporate this type of massage in to my monthly regiment. If it takes away the migraines I get, it's worth every penny.

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