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September 5, 2008

New Thing #26: Lending a hand

Because I've grown up with a mother in a wheelchair, I feel that I sometimes see people in wheelchairs differently then many of my friends do. There are three types of people: 1) Those who ignore handicaps because they think they will offend the person so they overcompensate by averting their eyes or not speaking to them. 2.) Those people who think physical handicap equals a mental handicap. I can't explain my frustration with this type of thinking. 3.) And finally, those who treat them like anyone else. If you are one of these people, thank you. If you are not, consider it something you may want to work on, because it makes a difference.
While at Safeway, I helped an elderly lady in a wheelchair reach a box on the top shelf. It was simple, I was in the aisle and I just said "May I assist you?" and she asked me for help. I didn't talk down to her, I made eye contact and I treated her like any other human being. Now, I told my boyfriend this and he thought I shouldn't have counted it as a new thing because it is something that I would have done anyway. I thought that was a fair statement. But when I mentioned it to my mother when I was stocking her pantry, she started to cry and told me that I had to have it as today's new thing. Because then people would see that OFFERING TO HELP people in wheelchairs doesn't always offend them, and if it does you can just say "okay" and walk away. It's alright if they refuse help, maybe you were mistaken. Just excuse yourself, smile, and leave. Not a big woop. I was glad I made my mother so proud.

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